Friday, June 4, 2010

{a mommy meltdown}

Last week I had a meltdown. A mommy meltdown. A wife meltdown. A laundry, clean the kitchen, empty the dishwasher, fold the clothes, start crying meltdown. I realized I needed a day to myself-just one day-out of the house. Not because of Alan, not because of Isaac, but because I'd been stuck in the house for over a week since we're sharing our car right now, and I NEEDED OUTSIDE!!!! So I sent Alan an email that day. It went something like this:


I need a day. I need out. I need fresh air, space to breathe, time to read and spend with Him! I want to go for a drive, I want to go photograph something. I want to sit on the top of the hill overlooking the town and just sit and read. I need OUT! Please, may I PLEASE do that next Friday???

His response: Sure., that was easy!


Well, today was my day, and how'd it go?

It started early!!! Thursday night Alan happened to be meandering about the craigslist website and had me look at a table for $150. It was my dream table!!! If you don't know, our previous table was an oak oval table {granted the table was nice, but the chairs...}, with chairs that were heavy on the fabric and had rollers. I have hated them since the day we got married and I inherited them along with the rest of Alan's furniture. I have waiting patiently for nearly 5 long years now, and last night God blessed us with this:


{We thought we could pull out the drawer there and let Isaac just spit up in that during feedings :)}



Isaac has his own chair now!!!!


So how did the rest of my ME DAY go today?

8:30am: kid let us sleep in!!!

8:45am: daddy got up to do the feeding so I could take my time getting ready for the day

10am: helped Anna put the finishing touches on her newly painted and redesigned room {author's note: i heart painting and decorating!}

11am: Anna left, but let me hang out on their porch swing reading and chillaxing in the summer breeze {i love that they live in the country-i dearly miss the country life!!!!}

12pm: too hot. can't do it. bees bugging me. went inside, got comfy on the couch and spent the next hour working on my new website content

1pm: content and new pricing done! now on to the new bible study Anna helped me to find.

>>wow, deep stuff in that study, and I'm on the first day of it!

1:30pm: wander over to their grand piano, tickle the keys, let my fingers glide over them while playing some old etudes and exercises {is it wrong that I actually liked Hanon Exercises?}. Learn Lullaby by Brahms in 15min :). It's been forever since I've played classical music! Loved it!

2:45pm: Anna mentioned if I had time to water the flowers outside since it was a nasty 99 degrees today, so I watered, played a bit with Lars, let the cool water cascade over my feet and flip flops, sprinkled my legs and arms with the water to cool off, felt the hot breeze against my now cool skin: SUMMER.

3:30pm: come home to my boys, start getting everyone ready for Becca's wedding! Congratulations to the new Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Strom :)


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