Monday, August 23, 2010

Is He Working?

A few nights ago I wrote a long blog about adoption. Ironically, today I heard an amazing story about adoption that made my heart swell with joy for these new parents! Apparently some friends of our friends have been struggling with infertility for years, and praying for a child, and found out that they couldn't conceive. They've struggled with that news, but also knew God had a plan for them. The waited on adoption because they were trying to wrap their minds around not having children of their own, but just put in their adoption paperwork via LifeChoice Ministries here in Manhattan, KS, and received a phone call just the other day. A senior KSU student went to the ER complaining of cramping and didn't know that she was actually pregnant and in labor, birthed an 8lb little baby boy who is on a feeding tube but otherwise healthy, and put him up immediately for adoption, and this family, who out of the blue, and withing literally I think weeks of submitting their adoption papers, now has their very own baby boy, their gift from the Lord. 


I was looking at the pictures again just now and my heart is overjoyed for them :). And yet, I find it somewhat interesting that this story comes on the heels of what I posted just the other night. 


So, Lord, are you working in my heart? Our hearts on adoption? If so...please teach us to trust You for direction, guidance, and provision. And praise You for your mercies that are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness!

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